Co-operatives in Northern Uganda have invited Six Canadian Co-operative Association volunteers to help them measure their enterprises against international standards using CCA’s Development Ladder Assessment Tool (DLA). Follow Linda Archer’s exciting account of their 2-week mission working side-by-side with Ugandan co-operators as they plot the path forward for their co-ops and credit unions. The result is a snapshot of how the co-op is doing - and a set of benchmark scores for measuring progress as they grow their co-operative enterprise.

Tuesday 13 November 2012

Day 21 - How to transport Tilapia

Other than another blown tire on the vehicle which the driver fixed fairly quickly, it was a pretty uneventful trip.  The most interesting thing was that there were people selling Tilapia on the roadside.  They were caught in Lake Victoria.  When people bought them they put them on a stick and attached them to the front grill of their cars.  The thought is that the airflow keeps them fresh and you don’t have to have them in the car.  Some cars had as many as 7 fish attached to the grill.  A wonder their vehicles don’t overheat.

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